oceanus prometheus bound. Prometheus Bound. oceanus prometheus bound

Prometheus Boundoceanus prometheus bound  On the one hand, Oceanus admonishes Prometheus for speaking in such a way as to stir up Zeus’s wrath; but he also tells Prometheus he will try to soothe Zeus with his words

SCENE. He’s defiant, loud, and proud. Prologue Characters. The slain Caucasian eagle plumets to the earth below them. Aeschylus. —Mythical. [7] Some sources, however, made Epimetheus the son of Prometheus and Clymene. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. Hermes: Hermes is the messenger of the gods and visits Prometheus to deliver a message from Zeus. In antiquity, it was attributed to Aeschylus, but now is considered by some scholars to be the work of another hand, and perhaps one as late as c. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. Super creative, right? Anyway, Ocean. For how thou mayst elude these shrewd-wrought bonds. Hephaestus is tasked with chaining Prometheus on steep mountain rocks. Although Prometheus bids Oceanus to leave and save himself, Oceanus despite his initial protestations and comments on the bonds of kinship (289-290) departs all too quickly to convince one of his professed loyalty to Prometheus. Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir. Oceanus: Oceanus is a Titan who visits Prometheus at the beginning of the play and offers him comfort and support. Oceanus was considered to be a great primordial river that encircled the entire world, and Tethys was a sea goddess. Why is it an eagle that will every day. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. Tethys was the ancient Greek Titan-goddess of the primal font of fresh water which nourishes the earth. Source: This version of the story of Prometheus was adapted by Dan from the play Prometheus Bound, originally written by the Hephaestus. TIME. " Is sometimes called a Titan, though in reality he did not belong to the Titans, but was only a son of the Titan Iapetus (whence he is designated by the patronymic Iapetionides, Ἰαπετιονίδης 1) by Clymene, so that he was a brother of Atlas, Menoetius, and Epimetheus. Hermes is not. Weir Smyth) (Greek tragedy C5th B. Aeschylus was a well known Greek tragedian who wrote a trilogy whose first part is "Prometheus Bound". Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 115 ff : "[The Okeanides (Oceanids) arrive on the mountain of Prometheus in a winged chariot :] ‘Our group has come in swift rivalry of wings. His daughters, the Okeanides (Oceanids), formed the chorus of the play. Heracles will shoot him with an arrow. Kratos (Might) Character Analysis. CHORUS: daughters of Oceanus. Despite his isolation Prometheus is visited by the ancient god Oceanus,. Oceanus’ daughters, the sea nymphs, come to figure out what’s going on. A summary of Themes in Aeschylus's Prometheus Bound. He’s defiant, loud, and proud. TIME. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. Oceanus will talk to Zeus on Prometheus’s behalf, but Prometheus refuses his help. ) : "[The Titan Prometheus calls upon the cosmos to witness his torment :] ‘O you bright sky of heaven (dios aithêr), you swift-winged breezes (takhypteroi pnoiai), you river-waters (pêgai potamôn), and infinite laughter of the waves. SCENE. FX 1: The sound of a strong icy wind and turbulent ocean before the actors enter the stage. Prometheus tells the. Aeschylus. Oceanus also appears in Aeschylus’s Prometheus Bound. "But here I am hung as a plaything of storms / And a mark. A summary of Lines 907–1093 in Aeschylus's Prometheus Bound. Prometheus Bound. SCENE. Next in Proмetheus Bound, the girls’ father, Oceanus, coмes to offer his pity and his aid, suggesting that he plead Ƅefore Zeus for мercy. OCEANUS. Learn to know thy. OCEANUS Prometheus, all too plainly I behold: And for the best would counsel thee: albeit Thy brain is subtle. A Titan named Oceanus commiserates with Prometheus and urges him to make peace with Zeus. You’d think Prometheus would have been dejected, but he isn’t. They are accompanied by Hephaistos. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. Also she brought forth Kratos (Cratus, Strength) and Bia (Force), wonderful children. The god of fire and the forge, fears to look at the shackles he built for Prometheus with his own hands; he carries out his duty of imprisoning Prometheus with shame. C. Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 386). SCENE. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. Prometheus Bound (ca. Prometheus demonstrates the value of thought and knowledge in progress as well as in the opposition and temperance of tyrannical power. Oceanus and Hephaestus express compassion for Prometheus—but they think he's kind of brought it on himself by defying Zeus. TIME. Pf: c. After being questioned by a Chorus of Oceanids, daughters of Oceanus, he tells them that he is being punished by Zeus. Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identified . It is speculated to have been written between 475 and 470 BCE. The painting which was completed in 1618 though started in 1611 is based on a character, the Titan Prometheus, in one of the Greek myths. OTHER IMAGESPrometheus Bound. Prometheus Bound. Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 528 ff : "[Chorus of Okeanides :] Nor may I be slow to approach the gods, with holy sacrifices of oxen slain, by the side of the ceaseless stream of Okeanos (Oceanus), my father; and may I not offend [Zeus] in speech; but may this rule abide in my heart and never fade away. Prometheus was one of the sons of the Titan Iapetus. 456 BCE). OCEANUS Prometheus, all too plainly I behold: And for the best would counsel thee: albeit Thy brain is subtle. Ocean is the god of the sea, the personification of the oceans, and the father of the sea nymphs Panthea, Ione, and Asia. Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus translated by Henry D. But the real action in the Greek playwright Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound is in the dialogue and Prometheus’ attitude. SCENE. Greek cosmology describes three generations of gods, (1) Heaven (Earth and Sky) and the Titans, (2) Kronos, and (3) Zeus and his Olympian hierarchy. Aeschylus. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. POWER: divine agent of Zeus. Usually however this Titan was a son of the Titanis Asie (Titaness Asia) or Klymene (Clymene). Oceanus tells Prometheus he should keep his mouth shut and stop rocking the boat. TIME. “Prometheus Bound” is considered one Aeschylus’ late works. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. HEPHAESTUS: divine son of Zeus, the artisan god. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. He was the god of the seas along with earthquakes, floods, drought and horses. Oceanus visits Prometheus and while he too is sorry to. Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir. Prometheus spends most of his time chained to a rock, while Zeus is the master of the universe, with the ability to hurl fire and lightning, cast Prometheus into the depths of the earth, and command the other gods. [4] [5] [6] She married her uncle Iapetus and became by him the mother of Prometheus, Epimetheus, Atlas and Menoetius. Prometheus Bound plot summary, character breakdowns, context and analysis, and performance video clips. Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. But Prometheus mocks Oceanus, asking him: "How did you. Clarendon Press, 1907 - Prometheus (Greek deity) - 53 pages. This is the god of the backward-flowing river Ocean, which bounds the earth and from which all rivers flow and every sea, and all the springs and wells. As an Okeanid-nymph she also. Prometheus aided Zeus against his fellow Titans only to be punished for giving fire to human beings. SCENE. Aeschylus. E. Summary Aeschylus. He had an extensive family including other gods, giants, mythical animals and heroes. PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. Back More. [In a remote mountainous region of Scythia. In I-told-you-so fashion, Oceanus reminds Prometheus in Bound that all his bragging changed nothing and only. Prometheus Bound We're on a cliff. Behold me, by what anguish worn, These eyes of mine shall weary turn. The last of these, however, is usually attributed by modern scholars to an unknown playwright. In Prometheus Bound, who does not sympathize with Prometheus sufferings? 1) Hephaestus. Fire was considered to be the last gift that enabled a. C. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. Oceanus assures Prometheus that, if he’ll cooperate, he can get Zeus to change his mind. The passage is too long to quote, but basically. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. Oceanus Offers His Aid. Prometheus cryptically tells them that he knows of a potential marriage that would lead to Zeus's downfall. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. In Antiquity, this drama was attributed to Aeschylus, but is now considered by some scholars to be the work of another hand, perhaps one as late as ca. Gaea the Earth, Athenian red-figure calyx krater C5th B. SCENE. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. tear at Prometheus's liver and limbs? His heart and liver are forever regenerating and the eagle is ironic. But Cronos cast down his father Ouranos, and ruled in his stead, until Zeus his son cast him down in his turn, and became King of Gods. Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 431 ff : "[Okeanos (Oceanus) addresses the tormented Titan Prometheus :] ‘The waves of the sea ( pontos ) utter a cry as they fall, the deep laments, the black abyss of Aides [Haides] rumbles in response, and the streams of pure-flowing rivers ( potamoi ) lament your piteous pain. Blood from the wound drips to the ground. Prometheus Bound [New York and London 1975] trans. Oceanus is the unending stream of water encircling the world. He was the god of the seas along with earthquakes, floods, drought and horses. Seven Against Thebes, 3. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. Prometheus. Full Play Summary. Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 528 ff : "[Chorus of Okeanides :] Nor may I be slow to approach the gods, with holy sacrifices of oxen slain, by the side of the ceaseless stream of Okeanos (Oceanus), my father; and may I not offend [Zeus] in speech; but may this rule abide in my heart and never fade away. Oceanus is the central figure of the 1762 Trevi Fountain in Rome. Prometheus became a tragic hero, a symbol of humans striving to improve. Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir. Tethys fed her children's springs with the waters. It is obvious from the beginning that Prometheus will not partake of any such advice, which adds to the feeling that Oceanus is offering his help only for the sake of appearances. Prometheus Bound (AncientGreek , Promtheus Desmts) is an Ancient Greek tragedy. Ocean has a conversation with Apollo, the. Hephaestus. Prometheus ridiculed and rejected Oceanus’s advice. He and his wife Ceto were also gods of the largest of sea creatures. Oceanus tells Prometheus that he'll talk to Zeus and get him out of this mess. Enter Kratos, and Via dragging behind them in chains, Prometheus. IO, daughter of Inachus, loved by Zeus. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. "And Styx the daughter of Okeanos (Oceanus) was joined to Pallas and bare Zelos (Emulation) and trim-ankled Nike (Victory) in the house. SCENE. TIME. Oceanus and Hephaestus express compassion for Prometheus—but they think he's kind of brought it on himself by defying Zeus. Prometheus' wife was sometimes named Asia. 3)The Oceanids' father Oceanus was the great primordial world-encircling river, their mother Tethys was a sea goddess, and their brothers the Potamoi. TIME. —Mythical. C. Character description, analysis and casting breakdown for Oceanus from Prometheus Bound Join StageAgent today and unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. Who binds Prometheus? Strength and Violence (kids of the River Styx) have Hephaethus (son of Hera by herself) bind him by chain to a rock. It is irrelevant that. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. On the one hand, Oceanus admonishes Prometheus for speaking in such a way as to stir up Zeus’s wrath; but he also tells Prometheus he will try to soothe Zeus with his words. —Mythical. SCENE. Prometheus ought to earn serious kudos for his sacrifice. Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 1 ff (trans. Learn to know thy. . R. The role of the chorus in a Greek tragedy is to uphold the moral standard. But since they live in a cave and seem to come. ) : "[Prometheus] lofty-minded son of Themis who counsels. Oceanus. TIME. THEMIS MOTHER OF PROMETHEUS. J. Oceanus's, and Hermes's mental slavery to Zeus. Prometheus Bound literature essays are academic essays for citation. Prometheus demonstrates the value of thought and knowledge in progress as well as in the opposition and temperance of tyrannical power. With characters like Zeus's ex-love-interest-turned-cow and Prometheus, the tortured Titan, Prometheus Bound explores themes such as freedom vs. C. SCENE. TIME. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. [1] Despite these doubts of authorship, the play's designation as Aeschylean has. TIME. 1 Prometheus is chained to the rocky cliff by Hephaestus. To the Greeks, this is pretty much the end of the earth. —Mythical. Punished for his acts of compassion toward humanity, he shows compassion for the suffering of others, notably the suffering of the mortal Io. He bows to Zeus's force, but wishes he did not have to. 4) Themis. Epimetheus was the son of the Titan Iapetus and his wife, whose name was either Clymene [3] or Asia (both Oceanids). Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Among the most famous of these are the play Prometheus Bound, traditionally attributed to Aeschylus (525-456 B. He helped human beings, but this was useless. Terms in this set (15) Who is Prometheus? Son of Titan Iaepetos. At the beginning, Cratus, Bia and Hephaestus the smith-god chain. SCENE. Shields protect people by blocking weapons from hurting someone. . 99. SCENE. Comfortable in his service to Zeus, Oceanus believes that one should not rock the boat but simply obey. POWER: divine agent of Zeus. Tartarus was the great pit beneath the earth in the oldest cosmogonies of ancient Greek mythology. Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir. He's the evil jerk who masterminded the whole Olympian vs. On the pile of bones he placed fat and a small portion of nice meat on top to disguise it, but on the pile of good meat he placed some lesser meat and gristle. Prometheus accounts for his punishment: though he had helped Zeus in the Titanomachy, Prometheus stood in Zeus’s way when the god king decided to eliminate all humans. In art Oceanus was a common subject; he appears on the François Vase ( see Kleitias ), the Gigantomachy of the altar at Pergamum, and numerous Roman sarcophagi. PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. Berlin, Germany. (Clouds), let us appear; let us arise from the roaring depths of Okeanos (Oceanus), our father; let us fly towards the lofty mountains, spread our damp wings over their forest-laden summits, whence we will dominate the distant valleys, the harvest fed by. In antiquity, it was attributed to Aeschylus, but now is considered by some scholars to be the work of another hand, and perhaps one as late as c. Instead, he would rather be hidden away in the depths of the earth, where no one can see him. TIME. —Mythical. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus translated by Henry D. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. 3) Io. Far distant, thro' the vast expanse of air, To thee, Prometheus, on this swift-wing'd steed, Whose neck unreign'd obeys my will, I come, In social sorrow sympathizing with thee. in verse S: A rocky gorge in the mountains, in the mythical past C: 6m, 1f, chorus (f)Cratos and Bia drag on the bound Prometheus, in order to assist Hephaestus, the gods' blacksmith, to forge Prometheus' chains to a rock. The universe was envisaged as great sphere--or egg-shaped ovoid--with the solid dome of the sky forming the upper half and the inverse dome of the pit of Tartaros the lower. 2 Prometheus describes to the Chorus why he has been punished. Prometheus renders his lament, but unrepentantly, until a chorus of Oceanids (daughters of Oceanus) hang out with him. OCEANUS. SCENE. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. Prometheus was the son of Iapetus. This Educational Toolkit is packed with lessons, info, and background features on the A. Although Tethys had no active role in Greek mythology and no established cults, she was depicted in mosaics decorating. CooksonPrometheus bound to a rock at Zeus' order for giving man fire, bemoans his fate until it become worse still. It tells the story behind why the Titan Prometheus was chained to a rock. Oceanus’ daughters, the sea nymphs, come to figure out what’s going on. Prometheus. . Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound - Greek Tragedy C5th B. Prometheus and Oceanus discuss Zeus’ cruelty. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. A summary of Lines 1–127 in Aeschylus's Prometheus Bound. Weir Smyth) (Greek tragedy C5th B. In knowingly choosing rebellion, Prometheus set the stage, defining a choice of opposing tyranny and unjust laws, starting the march down the long path towards equality under the law. Oceanus is the god of… wait for it… the Ocean. The children of the Titan Oceanus and Tethys; there are the countless nymphs of the rivers and streams of the earth; their name means "the daughters of Ocean. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. [79]The dramatis personae are Prometheus, Cratus (Power), Bia (Violence), Hephaestus, the mortal woman Io, Oceanus, Hermes and a chorus of Oceanids. Aeschylus. Prometheus specifically remains a spectacle (θέα, 241) for Oceanus, the Oceanids, and Io, observers who stand in for the play’s spectating audience. Check out. The last of these, however, is usually attributed by modern scholars to an unknown playwright. Now have I traversed the unending plain. TIME. PROMETHEUS BOUND. However, two of the Titans, Prometheus and Oceanus, decide to fight on the side of Zeus. confinement and the consequences of immense power. But " other gods" is the key here: even if Hephaestus and Oceanus and Power and Violence hop to it to do Zeus's bidding, Prometheus. C. Oceanus. Oceanus says he will try to intervene on Prometheus's behalf, but Prometheus,. TIME. . He warns Oceanus to stay away from him so that he will not also incur Zeus's wrath. C. In Prometheus Bound. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. In Prometheus Bound (Greek Promētheus desmōtēs) the god Prometheus, who in defiance of Zeus has saved mankind and given them fire, is chained to a remote crag as a punishment ordered by the king of the gods. Earth is rocking in space! And the thunders crash up with a roar upon roar—. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. "But here I am hung as a plaything of storms / And a mark for my enemies' laughter!" (8), claims Prometheus. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. Hermes leaves, the thunder and earthquake come, and Prometheus and the daughters of Oceanus are swallowed up in the abyss, and the curtain falls on Prometheus Bound. Take a quiz about the important details and events in of Prometheus Bound. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus was chosen for a number of reasons. Prometheus says he has foreseen that one day Zeus will need his help. Supporting. SCENE. He counsels prudence in offering to intercede with. E Translated by G. SCENE. PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. Titans Atlas and Prometheus, Laconian black-figure amphora C6th B. 1 Prometheus is chained to the rocky cliff by Hephaestus. Hephaestus, Eileithyia, Tethys and Oceanus, Athenian black-figure dinos C6th B. ― Aeschylus, quote from Prometheus Bound. TIME. 430 BC. Prometheus pities his brothers, Atlas and Typho, imprisoned by Zeus. 4) Hermes. Prometheus Bound. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of Prometheus Bound and what it means. Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir. SCENE. PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir. —Mythical. 430 B. Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 788 ff (trans. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. OCEANUS Now have I traversed the unendi. Even threatening. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. Prometheus demonstrates the value of thought and knowledge in progress as well as in the opposition and temperance of tyrannical power. After Prometheus Bound: The Liberation of Prometheus Liberation of Prometheus, by Carl Bloch, 1864, Ribe Kunstmuseum, Denmark Though Prometheus. ), Aeschylus’s sweeping tragedy of suffering and injustice, has been the subject of critics for centuries because of its episodic structure and. Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir. The play is composed almost entirely of speeches and contains little plot since its protagonist is chained and immobile throughout. A summary of Lines 907–1093 in Aeschylus's Prometheus Bound. We see throughout that Prometheus is too extreme and is punished, in part, for his excesses of defiance. We are come to the far-bounding plain of. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. Although Prometheus is bound to the wall of a rock, his mind remains free. Learn everything you need to know about Prometheus, Zeus, and more in Prometheus Bound. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. 430 B. Conflict No Compromise. In Greek mythology, Tethys (/ ˈ t iː θ ɪ s, ˈ t ɛ θ ɪ s /; Ancient Greek: Τηθύς, romanized: Tēthýs) was a Titan daughter of Uranus and Gaia, a sister and wife of the Titan Oceanus, and the mother of the river gods and the Oceanids. ”. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. Prometheus Bound. Prometheus Oceanus Chorus (daughters of Oceanus) Io Hermes (Zeus’ messenger) ———————————– The rough, desolate peak of a mountain. The work is about a myth and it was written in 6 acts. Now hear the sequel, the ensuing woes The damsel must endure from Hera's hate. Prometheus Bound. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. We see throughout that Prometheus is too extreme and is punished, in part, for his excesses of defiance. According to Plato’s Phaedo, Socrates while bound in prison made music, but not tragic song. TIME. —Mythical. Join StageAgent today and unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. The Oceanids, daughters of Oceanus, enter on winged chariots. And thou, O seed of Inachaean loins, Weigh well my words, that thou may'st understand Thy journey's end. Source: This version of the story of Prometheus. ". SCENE. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. SCENE. The Greek tragic chorus is a mysterious institution. SCENE. ) Because Scythia, the land where Prometheus is chained up, was believed to lie at the edge of the world, it makes sense that Oceanus (and his Chorus of daughters) would be hanging out there. TIME. Loading comments. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. In a gruesome display of woundedness, Prometheus’ body becomes, again in Foucault’s terms, “the place where the vengeance of the sovereign [is] applied, the anchoring point for a. Oceanus/Prometheus (311-394) What does Oceanus add to the mix Pragmatist is someone who looks at reality and tries to take practical steps to save your skin Oceanus’ advice is try to protect and save yourself by submitting to zeus and stop provoking zeus (practical advice) Oceanus comes off as benevolent but weak friend Prometheus is. TIME. A Side of Crazy. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. The point of all this is that Io is maybe not the sanest girl around. Eventually, he entertains the Zeus-beloved and Hera-stalked Io (McNiven), the Polonius-like Oceanus (Bartenieff), the insolent Hermes (Dixon), and a babbling chorus (Therese Barbato, Autumn. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter. In Scythia. Thoreau PERSONS OF THE DRAMA KRATOS and BIA, (Strength and Force) HEPHAISTUS, (Vulcan) PROMETHEUS CHORUS OF OCEAN NYMPHS OCEANUS IO, Daughter of Inachus HERMES KRATOS and BIA, HEPHAISTUS, PROMETHEUS KR. When the play opens, we see the result of this situation: Prometheus is chained up to a rock. PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. TIME. Just as they're heading down, their dad shows up. Prometheus cryptically tells them that he knows of a potential marriage that would lead to Zeus's downfall. The eagle is perched upon his lap and tears at his chest with its beak. SCENE. —Mythical. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. His father was a member of the first generation of gods, ruled by Cronus and overthrown by Zeus and his siblings in the great Titanomachy. Oceanus, the Titan father of the Oceanids, commiserates with Prometheus and urges him to make peace with Zeus. SCENE.